Starting to look at next year’s fixture. No great insights as yet, just basically cleaning up names of stadia and that sort of thing (search and replace Optus Stadium with Perth Stadium, Goombadome with Kardinia Park, that sorta thing)
Also stripping down the website gen code for next year. I haven’t started on the revamped sim routine as mentioned in the previous post because it’s quite a tricky thing to analyse. Obviously once that’s hammered out I can do those spurious season projections again.
I’m trying out few things with the A-League section. The SVG graph is coming up well, so it’s pretty likely I’ll introduce that sort of thing to the AFL pages next year as well. It should also lend itself to some more interactive features as well.
Speaking of interactivity, another thing that I said I would implement this year – but didn’t – is make various tables sortable. It should be pretty easy to do, I’d just never got around to doing it.
Another off-season move is, well, myself sometime in the new year, which will involves a bit of NBN roulette among other things. Let’s just say I’m not optimistic. But I should be all set up by March so we’ll see how much venting on telcos I ended up doing on the Toots.