Thank you for following GRAFT Ratings through 2024.
Not the best year prediction-wise on this end but the actual footy made up for it.
Data files: Tips CSV | Ranking CSV | Projections CSV
Sporadic communication:
Tips correct: 141 / 216 (65.3%)
Correct by round: 2 6 6 4 9 4 4 8 5 6 5 7 3 5 6 6 7 4 7 6 5 5 4 6 6 3 0 1 1
GRAFT Margin of Error: 27.2
Mean score: 84.4 - Score 100+: 108 (25%)
Mean margin: 31.2 - Goal or less: 44 - Ten goals or more: 31 - Wins with less scoring shots: 31
Flips: 18 - post-match ratings flip GRAFT's pre-game prediction
GRAFT Margin of Error: 27.2
Mean score: 84.4 - Score 100+: 108 (25%)
Mean margin: 31.2 - Goal or less: 44 - Ten goals or more: 31 - Wins with less scoring shots: 31
Flips: 18 - post-match ratings flip GRAFT's pre-game prediction